To start uploading emails or chat messages you should prepare a workspace:

  1. Create a new workspace if you have not done it before.

    For cloud solutions you can find the instruction here: cloud solution

    For on-premises solutions you can find the instruction here: on-premises solution installation

  2. Add the email domains belonging to the company with the help of the Add organization method. It is necessary to allow to distinguish between emails inside the organization among employees and emails outside the organization with non-employees, clients and contractors. For such emails there are different metrics in the Employee report, for example, EXT: Number received emails, Number of sent emails etc

  3. Add users to the team with the help of the Add users method. Please, remember that an email address is the main identifier of a user in the platform thus uploading an email for a user is a must. The Add users method is used both for adding new and updating already existing users. Thus when you add a new user verifies if this user already exists. If yes, updates the information about the user.

  4. Enable Collect passive data setting for users for whom you would like the emails and chat messages to be processed and to be used in building collaboration circles and metrics in the Employee report.

    You can enable this setting with the help interface or the Update user settings method.
    If this setting is not enabled for a user but emails, chat messages and reactions are uploaded into the platform for this user, the emails, chat messages and reactions will be stored in temporary storage until the start of processing. They will be sent to the processing queue as soon as this setting will be enabled for the user.

    To get users with the Collect passive data setting enabled use the Get connected users method. The response of this method is the list of users with the Collect passive data setting enabled.

  5. Start uploading emails, chat messages, reactions and other items from the data source. More details on how to do it you can find in How to upload emails and chat messages into the system. Bear in mind, that for each custom source you should create a separate Integration API source in Manage sources and get a separate access_token .