There are Collect passive data, Send surveys and Collect 360 feedback settings in the platform.

You can implement automatic enabling or disabling these settings for users in case a new employee is added to the system or some employee leaves the company and should not participate in any kind of feedback anymore.

If new users were added or an employee has left the company and you want to disable feedback collecting settings for him, you can manage these settings the following way:

  1. Get the Reports API token as it is described here:

  2. Set True or False value for collectPassiveData, sendSurveys, collect360DegreeFeedback parameters of the Update users settings method.

  3. Set up a locale and a timezone for the user with the help of timeZoneId and locale parameters of the Update users settings method. These parameters influence the interface language of the user and the time they receive the surveys. Bear in mind that you can set the date and the time of the survey only using the interface.