Increased engagement can result into a significant increase in the energy resource of the team. It allows one to solve tasks easier and achieve goals faster. This is why managers are interested in keeping teams engaged and highly assessing the various factors that affect their performance.

Yva enables to assess engagement, well-being and satisfaction drivers in real time every week via employee surveys.

Analyze the results at the group level

At this step, the manager can identify problem areas in the department in relation to the assessment for the company as a whole and determine priorities for work (it is recommended to take not more than three problem areas for the closest quarter).

More detailed information about it is provided in the Employee experience. Results interpretation article.

Additionally, Yva allows the manager to look at:

  • the information on burnout in the department (% of employees in the "green”, "yellow” and "red” zones),

  • individual employee burnout diagrams,

  • analytics of their communication (if employees are connected to passive data collection).

This information will help you to understand whether each employee has problems that may affect their engagement.

The information on the social capital (leadership styles) of employees in the Employee report allows you to identify leaders in the department that you can rely on to increase engagement. Employees with a pronounced "Integrator” style will be especially effective here.

Understand how the manager can influence team engagement

The results of the employee survey provide feedback for the company and for the manager. Relying on this data, the manager can adjust their management methods.

The manager has a significant impact on engagement in their department, so they need to maintain their level of engagement at a high level and demonstrate this to the team, "infecting" it with their enthusiasm. Moreover, the manager to a great extend shares the vision of the company's strategy and information from other departments to their team, so you need to make sure that the information is sufficient and it is presented in the right way.

The manager should also pay special attention to the "Manager" driver and employees' assessment of the issues that this driver contains.

For ideas on how to work with engagement drivers, see the Employee experience. Leveraging drivers


Ask the team how to improve the work environment

Employees fill out a survey hoping that their opinion will be heard and that the company is ready to work to improve the employee's experience. Finally, the employees' positive experience influences the fact that the best specialists come to work in the company and stay there for a long time.

At the department level and sometimes at the entire company level, employees can propose specific improvements themselves if encouraged to do so.

The manager should communicate the results of the survey to the employees of their department, drawing their attention to both positive and negative aspects. But you shouldn't do this every week along with updating the results in the Yva dashboards. The manager can determine the frequency themselves, for example, once a month or once a quarter (but not rarely).

You need to allocate a separate time for discussion - from 1 to 2 hours, and it is also better to determine the priority factors for work in advance. It is useful to ask the team open questions:

  • What do you think are the most problematic aspects highlighted in the survey?

  • What exactly do you dislike in this or that aspect of work (name the drivers, explain their meaning, what questions are included)?

  • What are we as a team ready to focus on in the next month / 2 months / quarter?

During the meeting, you need someone from the employees to record the colleagues' answers and ideas.

Once the team has identified the priorities, you can collect ideas in a "start/stop/continue" format or just ideas for improvements. If there are lots of ideas, it is better to arrange a vote for 3-5 ideas that the team is ready to take into development.

If the employees themselves are willing to invest in improving their work, it will certainly bear fruit. But there are some things they cannot influence. A manager can convey such ideas to a higher level, for example, through a responsible HR manager.

After the meeting, you need to fix the agreements, for example, like the following plan:


Action (as specified as possible)

Expected result

Responsible person


Resources, help (if needed)

















It is important to monitor progress against the improvements that the team has taken to work. From time to time, you should return to this plan and ask the team how things are going.

It is important to organize this work not too formally and strictly, because it is about improving the working atmosphere, corporate culture, experience of employees in the organization, and not their direct responsibilities and work tasks. At the same time, for improvements to come alive, you need to motivate employees to implement their own ideas, celebrate progress and support initiatives. Working with engagement is an ongoing process.

With, you can track your progress in work with engagement. Don't feel discouraged if you see negative dynamics, because many reasons, including external ones, affect the employees' assessment. It's important to work on engagement in your area of influence and to stay in touch with your employees.