In the platform, it is possible to add users without collaboration sources connected. To do this, you need the administrator role.

When adding users without collaboration sources connected, collecting passive analytics will not be available.

To add users, follow these steps.

Open the "Manage users" section of the "Administration" tab.

This section displays all users connected to the platform, to add a new user, click the "Add" button.

In the window that opens, enter a separate line for each user in the format: email address, full name.

After adding users, you will automatically return to the previous screen and see the added users in the list.

You can immediately enable sending surveys to employees by checking the box "Send surveys" for each employee to whom you need to send them.

Click the "Update vai file" button and follow the on-screen instructions to add information about the department, position, manager, etc. to new users. Configuring users using a CSV file.