At the moment, the installation is available for self-cloud solutions from the following vendors: Amazon and Microsoft.

Installation in Microsoft Azure Private Cloud

To deploy and install the platform in Azure, just follow the link below, log in with an Azure administrator account and follow the instructions provided.

Deploy the platform in Azure

During the installation process, you will need to set the values of the following attributes:

  • name (required) is the prefix used by Azure to generate the gateway URL. For example, if you specify yva, the following URL will be created after deployment

  • yvalogin (required) - the username required to install is provided by the manager

  • yvapass (required) - the password required to install is provided by the manager

  • securestring (required) - administrator password, used to access the administration panel for configuration after flatform installation

  • size (required) - the size of the flatform. Possible values: medium, large, xl. Affects the number of servers to be deployed and their roles. It is selected depending on the number of users according to the System requirements.

Installation in Amazon Web Services Private Cloud

To install the flatform in AWS, the first step is to create and run a Linux virtual machine. To do this, open the AWS Management Console, wait for the console to load and log in with your username and password.

Important: The account must have administrator rights.

Select the "Launch a virtual machine" item in the "Build a solution" section. At the first step of selecting "Step 1: Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)", select the Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (HVM) 64-bit (x86) image and confirm the selection with the "Select" button. At the next step "Step 2: Choose an Instance Type", select the t2.2xlarge configuration and proceed further by clicking on "Review and launch". On the screen of viewing the final information about the car, we confirm the choice with the "Launch" button.

Next, you need to select an existing key pair or create a new one. This pair is used for secure access to a Linux machine via SSH protocol. AWS stores a public key, you download a private key for yourself. This provides access to the machine to someone who has a private key.

Select "Create a new key pair" to create a new key pair. You need to give this pair a name, for example, "Mykeypair" and download it to your car using the "Download Key Pair" button.

After downloading the key, you need to save it in a safe place. If the key is lost, it will be impossible to connect to the server for which the keys were created. Or if someone else gets access to your key, he can also access the server.

For those who have Windows installed on their workstation, we recommend saving the key in the user directory in a subdirectory named .ssh. (for example, C:\user {yourusername}.ssh\mykeypair.pem).

For those who have Mac or Linux installed on their workstation, we recommend saving the key in the user's home directory in a subdirectory named .ssh. (for example, ~/.ssh/mykeypair.pem).

After saving the key, start the Linux server with the "Launch Instance" button. Connect to the created server, follow the instructions from Amazon to do this.

The next step is to install the platform on the server you created. To do this, you can use the information from the article on-premises solution installation considering that you already have a server.