Overall social capital rating

The Overall social capital rating shows the relative position of an employee in the company. Interpreting this metric, you can understand it as "the proportion of employees who have less social capital than this employee".

It is the arithmetic mean of the Protectors, Innovators, Dominants, Expertise and Integrators ratings calculated for each employee.

The values of n/a are accepted for calculations as zero (i.e. if an employee does not have any of the types of social capital, this will reduce his Overall social capital index).

The metric is calculated by default for 13 weeks:

Social capital ratings (5 types)

The Social capital rating for each of the types of social capital (protection, innovation, domination, expertise and integration) shows the relative position of an employee in the company for this social capital type. Interpreting this metric, you can understand it as "the proportion of employees who have less social capital of this type than this employee".

The rating is calculated as the employee's percentile by the number of choses of this type of social capital from all employees of the company.

The metric is calculated by default for 13 weeks:


You can find these metrics in the Employee report according to your access rights.

You can also find these metrics in My report.