Response, Participation and Completion rates
Response rate
The Response rate - the number of responses sent divided by the total number of questions sent.
Weekly calculation: the percentage of questions answered (excluding questions on social capital and performance) this week from all questions (excluding questions on social capital and performance) asked this week.
Calculation for a longer period: the percentage of questions answered (excluding questions on social capital and performance) for the period from all questions (excluding questions on social capital and performance) asked for the period.
In the Reports API, metrics can be returned:
Participation rate
The Participation rate is the number of unique participants who answered at least one question divided by the total number of unique participants to whom the survey was sent .
Weekly calculation: the percentage of employees who answered at least one question from the survey this week, from all employees who received surveys this week.
Calculation for a longer period: the percentage of unique employees who answered at least one question from the survey during the period, from all unique employees who received surveys during the period.
In the Reports API, metrics can be returned:
Completion rate
The Completion rate is the number of surveys completed in full (the "Skip" option is considered an answer) and sent back to the system, divided by the number of surveys started by employees (having at least one answer, including the "Skip"option).
Weekly calculation: the percentage of surveys in which all questions were answered (excluding questions of social capital and performance) this week, from all surveys with at least one answer (excluding questions of social capital and performance) this week.
Calculation for a longer period: the proportion of surveys in which all questions were answered (excluding questions of social capital and performance) for the period, from all surveys with at least one answer (excluding questions of social capital and performance) for the period.
In the Reports API, metrics can be returned: