Make sure that you have administrator access to your Google account, as the following actions require these rights.

Google Workspace application configuration

You need to log in to the Google Workspace admin panel using a Google account with administrator rights. In the menu to the left of the Google logo, select "Security-API controls".

Google Workspace link:

On the page that opens, click on the “MANAGE DOMAIN WIDE DELEGATION” button.

On the "Domain-wide Delegation" page, add a new application using the “Add new” button.

On the page "Add a new client ID", fill in the fields as follows and click on the "Authorize" button (OAuth scope can be separated by comma or filled in in each field separately):

  • Client ID 113231313309641851271

Source configuration

To configure the data source, go to the "Administration - Manage sources" section in the Yva interface. This will require the "administrator" role in the Yva system.

Select Google Workspace as a data source.

After configuring the Google Workspace application as instructed above, click “Connect”.

Important: Make sure that the source has appeared in the right column