Using a system of smart questions, helps to determine the level of employee engagement, well-being and satisfaction.

Employee engagement

Engagement is the emotional and intellectual state of employees that enables them to do their best at work. Engagement is directly related to employee motivation.

Engagement in is measured by 3 basic statements:

  • I plan to work for this company for the next two years

  • At work, I am ready to do more than is required according to my job description

  • I would recommend our company as a good place to work

The metric value is calculated as the percentage of positive responses to these three questions for the period.

Positive answers are considered to be answers from 7 to 10.

If less than 5 answers to these questions were given in total, the metric is not calculated.

In the Reports API the metric can be returned:

Employee wellbeing

Employee wellbeing in is measured by 3 basic statements:

  • Overall, I'm happy with the quality of my life.

  • Stress levels at work are acceptable for me.

  • Stress levels from non-work-related issues are acceptable for me.

The metric value is calculated as the percentage of positive responses to these three questions for the period.

Positive answers are considered to be answers from 7 to 10.

If less than 5 answers to these questions were given in total, the metric is not calculated.

In the Reports API the metric can be returned:

Employee satisfaction identifies 11 satisfaction drivers that affect employee engagement and burnout:

  • Manager

  • Alignment

  • Enablement

  • Employee development

  • Reward and recognition

  • Team

  • Cross-functional collaboration

  • Customer focus

  • Empowerment

  • Diversity

  • Innovations

The metric value is calculated as the percentage of positive responses to these three questions for the period.

Positive answers are considered to be answers from 7 to 10.

If less than 5 answers to these questions were given in total, the metric is not calculated.

In the Reports API the metric can be returned:

Employee satisfaction drivers

For each of the 11 satisfaction drivers, its value is calculated separately, as well as for engagement, well-being.

The values of the metrics are calculated as the percentage of positive responses to the questions of a particular factor for the period.

Positive answers are considered to be answers from 7 to 10.

If less than 5 responses were given to any factor in total, the metric is not calculated for it.

In the Reports API the metric can be returned:

Driver: Manager

The “Manager” driver is characterized by the degree of loyalty to one's manager and satisfaction with working with them, which depends on their managing skills: the ability to set goals, provide feedback, take care of the employee's career development and timely share information from the company management.

For the immediate manager assessment, the pulse survey contains 1 mandatory and 5 additional questions related to this driver.

Mandatory questions:

  • I would recommend my manager as a manager to my colleagues.

Additional questions:

  • My manager regularly gives me a useful feedback,

  • My manager shows respect towards me as a person,

  • My manager clearly and distinctly sets goals for the team,

  • My manager pays attention to my career development,

  • My manager regularly shares with me the important information received from senior management or their manager.

Driver: Alignment

Alignment is determined by how, in the employee's opinion, their functional role and the company is suitable for them- they clearly understand what is required from them in the current position and they like their tasks, and they also believe in the success of the company as a whole.

For the company alignment assessment, the pulse survey contains 1 mandatory and 3 additional questions related to this driver.

Mandatory questions:

  • I know what I need to do to be successful in my position.

Additional questions:

  • I believe that in the next 2-3 years our company will be successful,

  • Senior management inspires me with their vision of the company's future,

  • I like the work I do.

Driver: Enablement

The enablement that the company provides means the conditions for the employee's successful and effective work. That is, the sufficiency of tools and resources, access to information and the ability to fully use their skills and knowledge.

For the enablement assessment, the pulse survey contains 2 mandatory and 1 additional question related to this driver.

Mandatory questions:

  • Business processes in our company are built efficiently,

  • I have enough resources (information, tools) to do my job well.

Additional questions:

  • In our company, decisions are made without delay.

Driver: Employee development

Employee development reflects an employee's attitude to which opportunities for career or professional development the company provides him - whether they see growth opportunities, whether there is an access to training, etc.

For the employee development assessment, the pulse survey contains 1 mandatory and 2 additional questions related to this driver.

Mandatory questions:

  • In this company I grow as a professional.

Additional questions:

  • In this company I have good career opportunities,

  • In this company I have good opportunities for training.

Driver: Reward and recognition

The “Reward and recognition” driver reflects the employee's understanding that their work is valued and fairly paid for.

For the reward and recognition assessment, the pulse survey contains 2 mandatory and 2 additional questions related to this driver.

Mandatory questions:

  • When I do my work well, it doesn't go unnoticed,

  • My work is fairly paid for.

Additional questions:

  • I fully understand the rules, according to which my income is determined,

  • Social benefits in our company are not worse than in similar companies.

Driver: Team

“Team” reflects the employee's attitude to the atmosphere in their team, as well as to how well it is organized. This is influenced by how well-coordinated the work in the team is, as well as the extent to which each of the employees understands their own and other people's roles in the team.

For the company teamwork assessment, the pulse survey contains 1 mandatory and 2 additional questions related to this driver.

Mandatory questions:

  • My team has an atmosphere of collaboration and teamwork.

Additional questions:

  • Everyone in my team understands who is responsible for what,

  • My team members put team goals above individual goals.

Driver: Cross-functional collaboration

Cross-functional collaboration is the interaction of employees between different departments of the company.

For the cross-functional collaboration assessment, the pulse survey contains 1 mandatory question related to this driver.

Mandatory questions:

  • My team receives high-quality support (services, information, resources, etc.) from the departments which we depend on.

Driver: Customer focus

The “Customer focus” driver shows the employee's attitude to the product the company makes; whether, in his opinion, the company's customers are satisfied, whether he is ready to recommend the product to his friends.

For the company's customer focus assessment, the pulse survey contains 1 mandatory and 1 additional question related to this driver.

Mandatory questions:

  • I would recommend the products and services of our company to my friends and family.

Additional questions:

  • Our clients are satisfied with the quality of the products and services they receive.

Driver: Empowerment

Empowerment means the sufficiency of the employees' ability to perform their work efficiently, employees' participation in decision-making in the company.

For the company empowerment assessment, the pulse survey contains 1 mandatory and 3 additional questions related to this driver.

Mandatory questions:

  • I have enough authority to do my work well.

Additional questions:

  • I take part in making decisions that affect my work,

  • My work schedule allows me to devote enough time to personal and family issues,

  • My manager provides me a sufficient level of independence in my work (i.e., they are not involved in details and issues that can be resolved at my level).

Driver: Diversity

Assessment of the “Diversity” is based on how fairly the company treats each person, and how freely everyone can express their ideas and opinions.

For the company's structure and business processes assessment, the pulse survey contains 1 mandatory and 1 additional question related to this driver.

Mandatory questions:

  • In our company, everyone is treated fairly, regardless of the personal characteristics (for example, gender, age, nationality, etc.).

Additional questions:

  • At work, I can express my opinion freely and not be afraid of the consequences.

Driver: Innovations

The “Innovations” driver reflects employees' perception of the innovation culture in the company - whether they can implement new ideas, whether they use innovative solutions in their work.

For the company's structure and business processes assessment, the pulse survey contains 1 mandatory and 1 additional question related to this driver.

Mandatory questions:

  • We use new technologies and/or innovative solutions in our work.

Additional questions:

  • In this company I can express and implement my ideas.

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