Digital week length, intersecting segments method

The Digital week length, intersecting segments method is the amount of time it took an employee to communicate and work with tasks in the company's digital communication channels (mail, messengers, project management systems)

The time devoted to communication is a metric that is calculated as the sum of intersecting segments of all communication events for a seven-day week. Each type of event has its own hardcoded length in a format of HH:MM:SS.

In the Reports API the metric can be returned:

Digital day length

Digital day length is the time interval between the average digital day start and end time.

For a period equal to a week, it is calculated as the difference between the average values of the start and end of digital day.

For a period longer than a week, it is calculated as the median of weekly values for the period.

In the Reports API the metric can be returned:

Digital day start time

The average start time of the employee's digital activity for the selected period.

For a period equal to a week, it is calculated as the average start time of digital activity of the days of the week. For each day, it is calculated as the time of the first activity for the day. If the activity was performed in the interval between 0 a.m. and 4 a.m., then platform refers it to the previous day as the last activity, and not as the first activity of the following day.

For a period longer than a week, it is calculated as the median of weekly values for the period.

In the Reports API the metric can be returned:

Digital day end time

The average time of the end of the employee's digital activity for the selected period.

For a period equal to a week, it is calculated as the average end time of digital activity for the days of the week. For each day, it is calculated as the time of the last activity for the day. If the activity was performed in the interval between 0 a.m. and 4 a.m., then platform refers it to the previous day as the last activity, and not as the first activity of the following day.

That is, if a user started working on Tuesday at 5 a.m., and finished on Wednesday at 3 a.m., the platform will display that the last activity was performed at 1d03h00min.

For a period longer than a week, it is calculated as the median of weekly values for the period.

In the Reports API the metric can be returned:


You can find these metrics in the Employee report according to you access rights.

You can also find these metrics in My report.