Make sure that you have administrator access to your Atlassian account, as the following actions require these rights.

Setting up your Attlassian Account

To successfully connect and use the application Connector for JIRA Cloud (Europe) you need to make sure that:

Installing the app Connector for JIRA Cloud (Europe)

Install the application Connector for JIRA Cloud (Europe). The installation must be performed with Jira Cloud administrator rights.

Data source configuration

In your, go to the "Administration - Manage sources" section.

Select the source "Jira" - "Jira Cloud".

Specify the values of all fields and click the "Connect" button.

Users added to the platform from the Atlassian Jira Cloud source will appear no earlier than an hour after the source is connected due to technical features.

Installing the Connector for JIRA Cloud (EEU) application

To install the Connector for JIRA Cloud (EEU) application go to your Atlassian account to the “Jira settings” → “Apps” → “Manage apps”.

Clock “Upload app” and insert the following link:

Make sure that Jira Cloud source has the “green” status after these actions in your "Administration - Manage sources" section.